A downloadable game

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A simple RPG game made for the Seattle Indies Show Jam 2022.

You have to beat 3 dungeons full of monsters to grind and level up, as well as a final boss for each one.

You collect shards by defeating monsters

You can level up your character by buying and using stat points at Master Skorpa NPC

You can buy health potions from Nia the Healer NPC

When your character dies you respawn back in the main town with full health without losing your shards


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

DunGeon_Seattle_Indie_Jam.zip 500 MB


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I beat it! 

Cool take on a diablo-like game. Had some pacing issues in the beginning - I think I was level 4 when I beat the first boss and that took forever, then beating the boss shot me up to 16. The second dungeon was a cakewalk and I finished it first try. Then the third dungeon was very hard, and level scaling made it so I had to grind a bit to power up. I beat it at level 30 by stocking up on potions and tanking the dragon.

All in all a fun grindy game when the balance is right, which for me was definitely dungeon 3.

Did you do the art and music? It looked really good!

I hit a soft lock while using the warp portal. It transported me beneath the ground, I think - I could move around but couldn't interact with anything. I had to quit the game and then the continue button doesn't work (quit button also doesn't work). Is there something I have to do to save?

I'm playing with a controller and having some trouble with hit detection. I can't seem to consistently hit enemies with my pitchfork.  Any tips?

Figured it out! You have to let the full attack animation play out - attacking again interrupts it. If you interrupt at the right time the trigger stays active so you can spam attacks - I had thought that was the intended way to attack so I was spamming!